6 Week Post Natal Osteopathy Check-up

  • alistair richardson, osteopath, prenatal osteopathy, postnatal osteopathy, antenatal osteopathy, richardson's wellbeing clinic, cheltenham, 6 week check up, pregnancy, birth

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  • alistair richardson, osteopath, prenatal osteopathy, postnatal osteopathy, antenatal osteopathy, richardson's wellbeing clinic, cheltenham, 6 week check up, pregnancy, birth

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  • alistair richardson, osteopath, prenatal osteopathy, postnatal osteopathy, antenatal osteopathy, richardson's wellbeing clinic, cheltenham, 6 week check up, pregnancy, birth

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  • alistair richardson, osteopath, prenatal osteopathy, postnatal osteopathy, antenatal osteopathy, richardson's wellbeing clinic, cheltenham, 6 week check up, pregnancy, birth

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  • alistair richardson, osteopath, prenatal osteopathy, postnatal osteopathy, antenatal osteopathy, richardson's wellbeing clinic, cheltenham, 6 week check up, pregnancy, birth

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  • alistair richardson, osteopath, prenatal osteopathy, postnatal osteopathy, antenatal osteopathy, richardson's wellbeing clinic, cheltenham, 6 week check up, pregnancy, birth

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Pregnant and post-natal women

When you’re pregnant, your body is going through significant rapid changes, and your centre of gravity will shift as your bump gets bigger. Another big change is the production of the hormone, relaxin, designed to increase blood flow and relax the ligaments in the pelvic region.

The physical exertion on our bodies during birth, including the rapid widening of the birth canal, and immediate shift in the centre of gravity post-birth, can also put a lot of strain on the body.

These notable physical changes can impact on our muscles and ligaments, and how we feel in ourselves. The gentle, non-invasive techniques used by our osteopaths can really help to relieve some of those tensions and stresses on mum’s body, and therefore promoting an improved sense of wellbeing.

Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of medical conditions. It works with the structure and function of the body and is based on the principle that the well-being of an individual depends on the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues functioning smoothly together.

What we check: Your questions answered!

You probably won’t need osteoapthy post pregnancy but your 1 hour session will cover everything you wanted to know:

  • Full back, pelvis & posture assessment
  • Detailed abdominal muscle assessment, including check for muscle separation and activation
  • Abdominal muscle re-education, using real time ultrasound where appropriate
  • Pelvic floor muscle assessment and re-education
  • Advice on postnatal exercises & safe return to activity and exercise
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